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The Present-Chapter 11

The Real Story

Hereafter: If you want to know what happens after you die, just look at your own life. This is the hereafter. This is what happens after you die. It is the hereafter of the life you lived before you were born. This is the hereafter! You are back from the last life you lived, and so is just about everyone else. The people living in this generation were alive in the previous generations. We are mankind, all of it. Everyone is back now to unveil the truth and the life, to open our presents together.

We are all back again: All of the people that have lived and died in the past have been reborn and have rejoined mankind. Almost every human being who has ever lived on earth is alive right now or will be reborn in this generation. You could be George Washington, Columbus or Adolf Hitler; someone has to be them. Their spirit is back along with everyone else that lived in the past and did not learn the truth. They are just in a different body and mind and are nothing like what they were in their previous lifespan. Everyone is back or will be soon. That homeless guy that asked you for some change could be George Washington. No past life memory: We have no memories of past lives, because memories are biochemical parts of the brain, and our past memories died when our past physical mind/brain died. Everyone that did not learn the truth and the life in their last life, including us, are back or will be soon. We have to come back to this world until we learn the truth and become a spiritual being. Everyone that started the evolutionary cycle on earth will be here now to get their chance to finish the quest and leave the animal cycle. Ancestors: We do not have to blame or thank our ancestors for fighting all the wars and doing all the work that has gotten civilization to where it is now, because we were our ancestors; we did it. We did it for us, and we did it for now. We have been all the heroes and scoundrels throughout history. We built this civilization for one purpose: to become spiritual beings.


Old ones: Mankind is the oldest life on earth. We are descended from the first animal life that evolved on earth. We are at the very top of the evolutionary cycle, because we have been evolving for the longest time. The people that see the truth and the life first were the very first animal life to evolve on this planet. We have been traveling together for a long time, have seen it all and suffered it all. As a result of our age, we will be the first to see the truth and spread the truth.

The exponential progression: The evolution of the human race is accelerating in an exponential, geometric progression. More will happen to our life on earth in the next few years than has happened to us in the last seven-hundred million.

Snowball: We are in a progression that is now progressing geometrically. It took ten thousand generations for the human population to reach two billion people. In the last generation alone, we added more than twice that number of people. Our average lifespan went from about thirty five to seventy eight (doubled) in the last few hundred years. Technology went from muskets to A- bombs in about the last hundred years. The speed of travel went from the horse to jet aircraft. World communication went from months to seconds.

It is like a snowball rolling down a hill; it keeps rolling faster and getting bigger and bigger. Now that it is big and moving fast, it gathers more snow in a partial turn than it did from many revolutions in the past. This is why we can evolve more in the next few years than in the previous seven hundred million, but this can only happen if we face the truth and stop playing make believe. If we do not, we can undo all the gains of the last seven hundred million years even faster.

It can go either way. It will go one way for those that learn the truth and the life, the other for those that learn it, but do not accept it.

The human race will go where the majority of the population goes.

What most people do not realize is that everything that makes up our world just happened. TV, cars, refrigerators, air conditioning, indoor plumbing, toilets, washing machines, microwaves, computers, etc. have all just appeared in the last few generations, most things in just the last generation.

Americans could legally own people as slaves one-hundred and fifty years ago. Women could not own property, sign a legal contract, or vote until the 1920s, and women did not have equal rights under the law until the 1960s.

Everyone is acting like life has always been like it is now or that it has been this way for a long time; it hasn’t. It has all just happened, and it can all just end.

There was nothing like the world we live in now in the past. We take everything for granted. It is a deception, the greatest and most dangerous deception.


Everything in the past was just leading to now. This is what we have all been working, fighting and waiting for. This world is new and temporary. We have to wake up to this truth before we can go further. We need to wake up, or it ends. Book of life: If the less than two- hundred thousand year history of human beings (Homo sapiens) were in a two hundred page book, each page would represent a thousand years. For more than one-hundred and sixty pages (one-hundred and sixty thousand years), most of our history, you would just read about wild animals doing what wild animals do. We did not do anything different than any other wild animal for more than three-fourths of the time we have been in these bodies. Our brains were the same size they are now, and we looked exactly as we do now. The only difference is how we lived. We had no permanent shelter other than caves, and sticks and stones for weapons. We could not make a fire. We were food: Try to imagine you and your friends running around naked in a hot jungle or grassland with only sticks and stones for protection. For most of our history on this planet, we were eaten alive by big cats, bears, big lizards, and even big birds. Birds like the Haast eagle had claws as big as a tiger’s, and were eating us for more than ninety percent of the book. We were like big, slow rabbits to them. Being eaten alive sounds horrible, because it is horrible, as bad as it gets. It was horrible to live on earth up until just recently. It was worse for us than any other animal, and it was the worst for our children. Most of them did not grow up. Caves: The strongest people lived in cold, dark, dirty and insect filled caves. If you were the biggest and strongest, you were lucky, because you could take and keep the best places to live. Caves gave you a little protection from the animals that tried to eat you, but you constantly had to fight other humans for the cave. Only the biggest, strongest, and healthiest humans lived in them. Most people lived outdoors in small groups. Most people were out in the open, and when it got dark, you did not sleep well. Most of the real life monsters that ate us alive snuck up in the dark when you tried to sleep. We were defenseless until recently.


Tonight when you are lying in bed in the dark, imagine you are laying on the ground in pitch darkness, with no walls and doors, and thousands of insects and other strange creatures are out in the dark making loud noises. Imagine there are predators many times your size, with large fangs and claws, that can see in the dark and smell where you are sleeping. You were there. Beasts like the saber tooth tiger lived in the same places we lived up until about ten thousand years ago, and they were just one of many creatures that would kill and eat us alive. Remember, this is the way it was for 90% of our history. Fire: We could not make a fire up until about forty thousand years ago. That means for about one-hundred and sixty thousand years, we had to go to sleep without a fire burning. For most of the time we lived on earth, we feared the night. Not too long ago, seeing a rabbit running around would have made you hungry. You would try and kill it and eat it raw. We did not get rabbit very often; they were hard to catch. We would eat whatever we could catch or find, mostly insects and lizards, along with berries, roots, etc. For at least one-hundred and sixty pages of the two hundred page book (160,000 years), we could not make a fire, and we ate other animals raw. You lived like that for a lot longer than you have been in a warm, safe house with food in the fridge. The truth is hard to believe, but it is the truth that sets you free. The last paragraph: Only on the last half of the last page in the book of our history would you read about a world with books. We did not really communicate with each other before the printing press. The truth is, just about everything happened in the last one percent of the time we have been human beings. Smelled bad: Most people went years between baths up until just recently. When George Washington lived, everyone smelled bad. Almost no one took a bath in the winter. Before indoor plumbing, taking a bath was very difficult, so people did not do it very often. We did not have garbage pick up until 1895. Life stunk, literally, until this last generation, and it still does in most of the world.


Last sentence: Almost everything that comprises the world we live in now happened in the last sentence of the last page of the two hundred page book of our history as human beings on earth.

Are you starting to get the true picture? Human beings lived in an unbelievably brutal, savage world for at least ninety-nine percent of the time we have been on earth. We have only just recently enjoyed living in a semi-safe, clean, semi-civilized, and understandable world.

Bad guy wins: In our past, the better killer you were, the more successful you would be. It is a fixed game where the bad guy wins. This is why we need to get out of the animal realm while we can. The animal world is just kill and be killed.

The bad guy is usually the aggressor and the aggressor has the advantage. We have to do the exact opposite of what we did in the past to be successful. We have to completely change a mind that has been evolving for millions of years in a short period of time to be successful now. We have to see and spread the truth.

Being eaten alive is the worst way to go and is the fate of most animal life. It is what happened to us millions of times. It is the ultimate incentive to become a spiritual being and leave the animal realm.

When we needed to eat or mate, it made us the most vulnerable to attack by other predators. It is one of the worst features of the natural animal world, that just when you think something great is going to happen, the worst does instead.

We are eating and mating now like never before, and we think something good is going to happen. This makes it the most dangerous time in history.

The animal realm forces us to endure the absolute worst things to motivate us to become the absolute best things. It had to be the worst for us to be the best.

Not working now: Nature has been trying to force us to evolve into spiritual beings. It took a long time, but worked in the past. It is not working now, because the forces of deception have removed the motivation to take the last step.


Rollercoaster: The pain of the past was balanced, but that does not make it good. When you won a battle or fight to the death or were successful killing an animal during a hunt, it was extremely pleasurable, because it meant survival. This is why men still feel good when we kill something. You were much more aware of the present, so life was much more fulfilling than it is now, but that does not make it okay. Living on a rollercoaster of extreme ups and downs prevents you from ever learning the truth and the life. Only at the rare times you get off the rollercoaster of animal life do you have a chance to see the truth and the life and have the ability to evolve past the animal realm. We know it has not happened for at least seven- hundred million years. We were kept busy just surviving until now.

Center of the storm: Human beings are now like the eye of the hurricane, the cyclone of animal life. It is only while in the calm, at the center of life, that it is possible to see the ultimate truth and transcend the animal realm forever.

Taking for granted: We are taking the way we live now for granted and acting like our past did not happen and assuming it can never happen again. We have created myths of the past, so we can project an equally false myth of the future. Thus, if we forget or ignore the true past, this will literally cause us to lose in the biggest possible way. To come all this way and then stumble on the last step is the worst possible thing that can happen, period. It is the ultimate fall.

For millions of years, our life was a daily struggle just to survive the day and then the night. We were hungry and afraid for millions of years. Things like murder, rape, and cannibalism were standard behavior and happened to everyone.

It was more horrible than anyone can imagine or describe in words, yet when we finally get in a good situation for a brief period, we spend our time trying to get more rich, be winners, and have as much sex as possible.

Are we really intelligent beings? We are not acting very intelligently.

Cockroaches have sex over two hundred times a day. Cockroaches can do what most people are trying to do now better. Trying to do what a cockroach can do better will make it happen. If you want to be like a cockroach, you will be one.

We are the exception: Cockroaches have been on earth unchanged for more than three-hundred million years, and there have always been a lot more of them than us. We are the exception to the rule of animal life; they are the rule. Just look what is going on in the animal world around you.


The ultimate tragedy: We now have the opportunity to change our nature and escape the animal realm forever, but instead of taking advantage of it, we are taking our situation for granted and trying to live with our eyes closed to the truth.

When the truth is realized, people will stop worrying if parts of their bodies are too big or too small or if they are cool, popular, winners or losers, etc.

Fool's paradise: We are missing our only opportunity to escape the animal realm. Millions of people are burying their heads in the sand and hoping some myths will save them. We are busy playing mind games and missing an opportunity that comes once every seven-hundred million years. For what? We are not happy living the lie.

All we have to do is acknowledge the truth, but we are doing the opposite and trying to live in a lie. Could anything be more stupid or tragic?

Einstein said there are two infinite things: the universe and man’s stupidity. It was forgivable in the past when we could not know the truth for certain, but now that we can know it for certain, it is unforgivable. You will lose everything.

The price of heaven: We have spent at least the last seven-hundred million years paying the price to get to heaven. We have almost paid it; we just have to go the distance. Unfortunately, it is also the time we are most asleep.

What was it all for? Why did we have to struggle and suffer for so long? Ultimate awareness: It was all to cause us to evolve. The fear of being eaten causes a life form to evolve better senses in order to avoid predators and find prey. It caused us to become more aware of our environment, more aware of life.

Everything that happened was just to make us more aware of life.

We evolved a big brain in order to be more aware of our environment, but it was an indirect awareness. It was a totally new way of seeing life.

All our senses before evolved to better know the environment directly. Our minds actually did the opposite; the mind blocks our direct awareness of the environment.


There are two types of truth: truth you know and the truth you experience. We need both direct and indirect awareness to have the ultimate awareness. Only when we do will we have reached the top of the evolutionary ladder and achieved total awareness of our environment and life. Our minds gave us the ability to know “the truth.” The truth is indirect awareness of our environment. Our indirect awareness came at the expense of our direct awareness of our environment, awareness of “life.” We just have to put our direct and indirect awareness together to know the truth and life and take the final step in evolution. I am hammering on this, because everything forever rides on it. The truth and life = ultimate awareness. The last page: The last page of the book of our history on earth is turning now. What is going to be written on the next page?

Next page: If we wake up to the truth, it will be about a heaven on earth. If we stay asleep much longer, it will be about a hell on earth, a worse one than has ever existed before. It is the price of coming so far and then throwing it all away. Things will either become as good as they can possibly be, or the worst it can possibly be. That is how the balance works, and it is as certain as the sun will rise and set. We can be as smart as we possibly can be, or as stupid as we can be. The sun rising and setting, day and night, shows us the nature of the universe, the nature of the balance. Nothing could be more obvious, yet almost no one can see the truth. The sun is about to set or rise on the human race.


Life after death: Why do people seem to care more about the future of the human race than their personal future? Why will people sacrifice their lives for the future of mankind? Soldiers sacrifice their lives for a better future; why do they do it? Why do salmon swim upstream and give their life for their offspring? Why do most animals risk their lives to save their offspring? It is not just love. The most powerful instinct is “survival” or self-preservation, so why do we often put the survival and well being of our descendants ahead of our own? It is because we subconsciously know that we will be our own descendants. If you have children, you will most likely come back as your own grand children or great grand children. You may even inherit some of your own money. This is why kings always passed the crown to their own bloodline. If you do not have children, you will come back as the offspring of relatives with the closest DNA to the DNA you have now. Your spirit goes with what it knows, but there are many factors that can change your trajectory, such as the balancing force, and the truth of life. This book reveals them clearly for the first time. When you wake up, everything is obvious and you know what is happening. The spiritual agenda: The collective unconscious, along with the survival of the fittest, caused evolution. It is behind all progress and the current population explosion. It has done what it had to do in order to get us all here now.

The last ice age: The collective unconscious works with the natural environment to move the spiritual agenda ahead whenever it gets the opportunity. When the last ice age ended, it made its move, and so far, it has resulted in the world we are living in now. It has gotten us to the very door of heaven, a perfect existence. The environment: The unusual long period of good weather in the last ten thousand years has made it possible for us to progress enough to give all mankind a shot at a heaven.


More countries are getting nuclear and biological weapons. They will start being used if the truth is not seen soon.

We have a choice: life or death.

Even if we do not destroy the environment, nature will. The weather changes in natural cycles. Another big disaster is going to come soon, no matter what we do. If we become enlightened spiritual beings, we will survive most of what nature throws at us. If we do not, we will not survive even a minor worldwide change in the weather, because it will unleash the beast within mankind.

All together now: For the first time, we are all together, and we have everything we need to make the transition as a group to spiritual beings and create a heaven on earth. For the first time, we also have the means to destroy ourselves. It is no coincidence.

We shall not cease from exploration; and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. T.S. Eliot

Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches directly to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate destination. Oscar Wilde

Wherever you are is where it is at.

The present is the ultimate gift; it is the gift of the truth and of life. The present is always the same (fulfilling) and always new and different, and it will last forever.

You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Henry David Thoreau

Do what nobody else can do for you. Omit to do anything else. Henry David Thoreau




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